For information on communicable disease guidance for schools from the Oregon Department of Education and the Oregon Health Authority, click here.
Concept of Operations
A. Overview
B. Direction and Control
C. Communications
D. Mitigation
The OTSD pre-event mitigation activities include:
The OTSD event mitigation activities include:
UPDATED: July 2024
To ensure the safety of our staff and students, OTSD has implemented a multi-layered approach to minimize the transmission of airborne pathogens that could potentially spread airborne illnesses.
Our Custodians clean surfaces frequently to reduce particles released in the air. An electrostatic sprayer is used frequently to sanitize touch-points throughout the buildings. Each classroom is supplied with a canister of disinfecting wipes to be used during classroom sessions in between Custodial routes.
Oregon Trail School District recognizes that proper air flow and filtration is important in preventing the spread of airborne illnesses.
Per the CDC recommendations:
Oregon Trail School District has implemented these mitigation measures according to OSHA guidelines and CDC recommendations and will continue to take regular precautions to keep our staff and students safe.
School-Level Communicable Disease Management Plan
School Year 2024-25
School/District/Program Information
District or Education Service District Name and ID: Oregon Trail School District 46
School or Program Name: Sandy High School
Contact Name and Title: Principal Sarah Dorn
Contact Phone: 503-668-8011 Contact Email:
Table 1.
Policies, protocols, procedures and plans already in place Provide hyperlinks to any documents or other resources currently utilized in your school/district. Consider adding a brief description about how each is used within your school. |
School District Communicable Disease Management Plan |
OTSD Communicable Disease Mgmt Plan
The OTSD Communicable Disease Plan was developed in partnership with Clackamas County Public Health and follows OHA/ODE guidance. District Communicable Diseases policies include: GBEB & GBEB-AR, Staff JHCC & JHCC-AR, Students The Superintendent, District Nurse, and Communications Director collaborate with public health on developing and implementing measures that help limit the spread of communicable disease in our schools, and appropriate messaging to inform parents and staff about exposure risk, outbreaks, and interventions.
Exclusion Measures Exclusion of students and staff who are diagnosed with certain communicable diseases. |
The District follows guidelines from the OHA/ODE Communicable Disease Guidance for Schools document. |
Isolation Space Requires a prevention-oriented health services program including a dedicated space to isolate sick students and to provide services for students with special health care needs. |
The school’s isolation space is located in a designated room in the school’s health space. |
Emergency Plan or Emergency Operations Plan |
The district has a comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan developed in partnership with local law enforcement, emergency management agencies, and Clackamas County Disaster Management. |
Mental Health and Wellbeing Plans such as those prepared for Student Investment Account (optional) |
Identify existing district or school plans and tools that can be utilized in supporting student and staff wellbeing and mental health during prevention, response, and recovery from incidents of a communicable disease outbreak.
Additional documents reference here: |
SECTION 1. Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities |
Identifying roles central to communicable disease management. Clarifying responsibilities related to communicable disease response is a first step in keeping communities healthy and safe. In general, decisions of school health and safety reside with school and district officials. Together with local public health officials, school/district administrators should consult a variety of individuals when making decisions about health and safety in school.
Table 2. Roles and Responsibilities
School planning team members |
Responsibilities: |
Primary Contact (Name/Title): |
Alternative Contact: |
Building Lead / Administrator |
Principal |
Vice Principal |
School Safety Team Representative (or staff member knowledgeable about risks within a school, emergency response, or operations planning) |
Principal |
Vice Principal or District Nurse |
Health Representative (health aid, administrator, school/district nurse, ESD support) |
District Nurse |
District PIO |
School Support Staff as needed (transportation, food service, maintenance/custodial) |
District Nurse |
District PIO |
Communications Lead (staff member responsible for ensuring internal/external messaging is completed) |
Principal |
District PIO |
District Level Leadership Support (staff member in which to consult surrounding a communicable disease event)
Superintendent |
District PIO |
Main Contact within Local Public Health Authority (LPHA) |
Anna Summer, MPH, Dr. PH |
District PIO |
Others as identified by team
Section 2. Equity and Continuity of Education Preparing a plan that centers equity and supports mental health |
Preparing a school to manage a communicable disease case or event requires an inclusive and holistic approach to protect access to in-person learning for all students. In this section suggested resources are offered to help prepare for communicable disease management while centering an equitable and caring response.
Centering Equity |
![]() |
Identify existing district or school plans and tools that can be utilized when centering equity in prevention, response, and recovery from incidents of outbreaks (e.g., district or school equity plans/stances/lenses/decision tools, Equity Committee or Team protocols, district or school systems for including student voice, existing agreements or community engagement or consultation models, Tribal Consultation[1], etc.)
< >Discussion with Superintendent's Leadership Council (parents and community members) Online survey of students in grades 6-12 during Advisory classes Online survey of all parents, translated. Phone survey with parents that have no internet access or need help interpreting survey questionsRound table discussion with Chamber Education Committee members and school Site Council members
Suggested Resources:
Table 3. Centering Educational Equity
OHA/ODE Recommendation(s) |
Response: |
Describe how you will ensure continuity of instruction for students who may miss school due to illness. |
Students impacted will be supported on a case-by-case basis in tandem with the family utilizing school and district resources. |
Describe how you identify those in your school setting that are disproportionately impacted by communicable disease and which students and families may need differentiated or additional support.
Case managers reach out to identified families and determine the need for individualized services. Equity and access remain at the forefront of all conversations.
Describe the process by which the school will implement a differentiated plan for those that are disproportionately impacted, historically underserved or at higher risk of negative impacts or complications related to communicable disease.
We will continue to work with our underserved populations to ensure they understand the breadth and scope of communicable diseases and the resources available to them.
Students impacted will be supported on a case-by-case basis in tandem with the family, utilizing school and district resources. |
Describe what support, training or logistics need to be in place to ensure that the named strategies are understood, implemented, and monitored successfully.
Our Student Support Team model will be used as a way of reviewing and addressing student needs. |
Section 3. Communicable Disease Outbreak Prevention and Response: Implementing mitigation activities, responding to periods of increased transmission, resuming baseline level mitigation, and debriefing actions to improve the process |
Planning for and implementing proactive health and safety mitigation measures assists schools in reducing communicable disease transmission within the school environment for students, staff, and community members. Communicable disease, including norovirus, flu and COVID-19, will continue to circulate in our communities and our schools. Schools will utilize different mitigation measures based on local data, and observation of what is happening in their schools (e.g., transmission within their facilities and communities.) In the following section, teams will document their school’s approach to the CDC, OHA and ODE advised health and safety measures at baseline, during increased transmission.
Suggested Resources:
Table 5. Communicable Disease Mitigation Measures
OHA/ODE Recommendation(s) Layered Health and Safety Measures |
Describe what mitigating measures the school will implement to reduce and respond to the spread of communicable disease and protect in-person instruction? |
Immunizations |
CDC, OHA, and ODE recommend COVID-19 vaccination for all eligible individuals. Please include whether your school will offer COVID-19 vaccine clinics or notices about where to access vaccines in your community. Shots are required by law for children in attendance at public and private schools, preschools, child care facilities, and Head Start programs in Oregon. Nearly every place that provides care for a child outside the home requires shots or a medical or nonmedical exemption to stay enrolled. We will continue to support vaccination clinics for families, students, educators, and the community-at-large, as per Clackamas County Public Health recommendation. Our School Based Health Center will provide vaccinations for students, families, and staff when possible.
Face Coverings |
Face coverings are optional, with the expectation that everyone be respectful of the choices and needs of others.
Isolation |
Individuals with communicable disease symptoms are encouraged to isolate until symptoms subside. |
Symptom Screening |
If a student is feeling ill or showing signs of illness, they will be sent to the office for further screening. |
Airflow and Circulation |
OTSD has implemented mitigation measures to minimize the transmission of air pathogens. These measures follow OSHA guidelines and CDC recommendations.
Cohorting |
During an outbreak, we will avoid large group gatherings as much as possible. If a high percentage of students in a class or group is symptomatic, we may consider recommending isolation. Classroom configurations are set up to maximize space. We may rearrange classrooms to accommodate physical distancing if/when necessary. |
Physical Distancing |
Classroom configurations have returned to pre-Covid set-up. During an outbreak we will encourage physical distancing to the degree possible. |
Hand Washing |
Students and staff will continue to be given ample opportunities to wash and/or sanitize their hands. Hand sanitizing stations are placed throughout the schools. |
Cleaning and Disinfection |
When the building spaces are cleaned each day, common touch points (i.e. door handles, bathroom flush handles, faucet handles, soap and paper towel dispensing handles, etc.) are sanitized by a custodian throughout. |
Training and Public Health Education |
All staff will receive updated training on communicable disease safety measures, annually.
Training exercises are essential to preparedness ensuring individuals understand their role in a communicable disease event. Exercises can also help identify gaps in the planning, thereby building upon and strengthening the plan over time. Schools, districts, and ESDs should schedule to exercise this plan annually and when any revisions are made to update the plan. The plan, or component(s) of the plan, can be tested through conversations, practice exercises, or other activities.
This plan is available for public viewing on the district website.
Date Last Updated: July 2024 Date Last Practiced: August 2023
[1] Tribal Consultation is a separate process from stakeholder engagement; consultation recognizes and affirms tribal rights of self-government and tribal sovereignty, and mandates state government to work with American Indian nations on a government-to-government basis.
School-Level Communicable Disease Management Plan
School Year 2024-25
School/District/Program Information
District or Education Service District Name and ID: Oregon Trail School District 46
School or Program Name: Boring Middle School
Contact Name and Title: Principal Morgan MacGregor
Contact Phone: 503-668-9393 Contact Email:
Table 1.
Policies, protocols, procedures and plans already in place Provide hyperlinks to any documents or other resources currently utilized in your school/district. Consider adding a brief description about how each is used within your school. |
School District Communicable Disease Management Plan |
OTSD Communicable Disease Mgmt Plan
The OTSD Communicable Disease Plan was developed in partnership with Clackamas County Public Health and follows OHA/ODE guidance. District Communicable Diseases policies include: GBEB & GBEB-AR, Staff JHCC & JHCC-AR, Students The Superintendent, District Nurse, and Communications Director collaborate with public health on developing and implementing measures that help limit the spread of communicable disease in our schools, and appropriate messaging to inform parents and staff about exposure risk, outbreaks, and interventions.
Exclusion Measures Exclusion of students and staff who are diagnosed with certain communicable diseases. |
The District follows guidelines from the OHA/ODE Communicable Disease Guidance for Schools document. |
Isolation Space Requires a prevention-oriented health services program including a dedicated space to isolate sick students and to provide services for students with special health care needs. |
The school’s isolation space is located in a designated room in the school’s health space. |
Emergency Plan or Emergency Operations Plan |
The district has a comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan developed in partnership with local law enforcement, emergency management agencies, and Clackamas County Disaster Management. |
Mental Health and Wellbeing Plans such as those prepared for Student Investment Account (optional) |
Identify existing district or school plans and tools that can be utilized in supporting student and staff wellbeing and mental health during prevention, response, and recovery from incidents of a communicable disease outbreak.
Additional documents reference here: |
SECTION 1. Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities |
Identifying roles central to communicable disease management. Clarifying responsibilities related to communicable disease response is a first step in keeping communities healthy and safe. In general, decisions of school health and safety reside with school and district officials. Together with local public health officials, school/district administrators should consult a variety of individuals when making decisions about health and safety in school.
Table 2. Roles and Responsibilities
School planning team members |
Responsibilities: |
Primary Contact (Name/Title): |
Alternative Contact: |
Building Lead / Administrator |
Principal |
Vice Principal |
School Safety Team Representative (or staff member knowledgeable about risks within a school, emergency response, or operations planning) |
Principal |
Vice Principal or District Nurse |
Health Representative (health aid, administrator, school/district nurse, ESD support) |
District Nurse |
District PIO |
School Support Staff as needed (transportation, food service, maintenance/custodial) |
District Nurse |
District PIO |
Communications Lead (staff member responsible for ensuring internal/external messaging is completed) |
Principal |
District PIO |
District Level Leadership Support (staff member in which to consult surrounding a communicable disease event)
Superintendent |
District PIO |
Main Contact within Local Public Health Authority (LPHA) |
Anna Summer, MPH, Dr. PH |
District PIO |
Others as identified by team
Section 2. Equity and Continuity of Education Preparing a plan that centers equity and supports mental health |
Preparing a school to manage a communicable disease case or event requires an inclusive and holistic approach to protect access to in-person learning for all students. In this section suggested resources are offered to help prepare for communicable disease management while centering an equitable and caring response.
Centering Equity |
![]() |
Identify existing district or school plans and tools that can be utilized when centering equity in prevention, response, and recovery from incidents of outbreaks (e.g., district or school equity plans/stances/lenses/decision tools, Equity Committee or Team protocols, district or school systems for including student voice, existing agreements or community engagement or consultation models, Tribal Consultation[1], etc.)
< >Discussion with Superintendent's Leadership Council (parents and community members) Online survey of students in grades 6-12 during Advisory classes Online survey of all parents, translated. Phone survey with parents that have no internet access or need help interpreting survey questionsRound table discussion with Chamber Education Committee members and school Site Council members
Suggested Resources:
Table 3. Centering Educational Equity
OHA/ODE Recommendation(s) |
Response: |
Describe how you will ensure continuity of instruction for students who may miss school due to illness. |
Students impacted will be supported on a case-by-case basis in tandem with the family utilizing school and district resources. |
Describe how you identify those in your school setting that are disproportionately impacted by communicable disease and which students and families may need differentiated or additional support.
Case managers reach out to identified families and determine the need for individualized services. Equity and access remain at the forefront of all conversations.
Describe the process by which the school will implement a differentiated plan for those that are disproportionately impacted, historically underserved or at higher risk of negative impacts or complications related to communicable disease.
We will continue to work with our underserved populations to ensure they understand the breadth and scope of communicable diseases and the resources available to them.
Students impacted will be supported on a case-by-case basis in tandem with the family, utilizing school and district resources. |
Describe what support, training or logistics need to be in place to ensure that the named strategies are understood, implemented, and monitored successfully.
Our Student Support Team model will be used as a way of reviewing and addressing student needs. |
Section 3. Communicable Disease Outbreak Prevention and Response: Implementing mitigation activities, responding to periods of increased transmission, resuming baseline level mitigation, and debriefing actions to improve the process |
Planning for and implementing proactive health and safety mitigation measures assists schools in reducing communicable disease transmission within the school environment for students, staff, and community members. Communicable disease, including norovirus, flu and COVID-19, will continue to circulate in our communities and our schools. Schools will utilize different mitigation measures based on local data, and observation of what is happening in their schools (e.g., transmission within their facilities and communities.) In the following section, teams will document their school’s approach to the CDC, OHA and ODE advised health and safety measures at baseline, during increased transmission.
Suggested Resources:
Table 5. Communicable Disease Mitigation Measures
OHA/ODE Recommendation(s) Layered Health and Safety Measures |
Describe what mitigating measures the school will implement to reduce and respond to the spread of communicable disease and protect in-person instruction? |
Immunizations |
CDC, OHA, and ODE recommend COVID-19 vaccination for all eligible individuals. Please include whether your school will offer COVID-19 vaccine clinics or notices about where to access vaccines in your community. Shots are required by law for children in attendance at public and private schools, preschools, child care facilities, and Head Start programs in Oregon. Nearly every place that provides care for a child outside the home requires shots or a medical or nonmedical exemption to stay enrolled. We will continue to support vaccination clinics for families, students, educators, and the community-at-large, as per Clackamas County Public Health recommendation. Our School Based Health Center will provide vaccinations for students, families, and staff when possible.
Face Coverings |
Face coverings are optional, with the expectation that everyone be respectful of the choices and needs of others.
Isolation |
Individuals with communicable disease symptoms are encouraged to isolate until symptoms subside. |
Symptom Screening |
If a student is feeling ill or showing signs of illness, they will be sent to the office for further screening. |
Airflow and Circulation |
OTSD has implemented mitigation measures to minimize the transmission of air pathogens. These measures follow OSHA guidelines and CDC recommendations.
Cohorting |
During an outbreak, we will avoid large group gatherings as much as possible. If a high percentage of students in a class or group is symptomatic, we may consider recommending isolation. Classroom configurations are set up to maximize space. We may rearrange classrooms to accommodate physical distancing if/when necessary. |
Physical Distancing |
Classroom configurations have returned to pre-Covid set-up. During an outbreak we will encourage physical distancing to the degree possible. |
Hand Washing |
Students and staff will continue to be given ample opportunities to wash and/or sanitize their hands. Hand sanitizing stations are placed throughout the schools. |
Cleaning and Disinfection |
When the building spaces are cleaned each day, common touch points (i.e. door handles, bathroom flush handles, faucet handles, soap and paper towel dispensing handles, etc.) are sanitized by a custodian throughout. |
Training and Public Health Education |
All staff will receive updated training on communicable disease safety measures, annually.
Training exercises are essential to preparedness ensuring individuals understand their role in a communicable disease event. Exercises can also help identify gaps in the planning, thereby building upon and strengthening the plan over time. Schools, districts, and ESDs should schedule to exercise this plan annually and when any revisions are made to update the plan. The plan, or component(s) of the plan, can be tested through conversations, practice exercises, or other activities.
This plan is available for public viewing on the district website.
Date Last Updated: July 2024 Date Last Practiced: August 2023
[1] Tribal Consultation is a separate process from stakeholder engagement; consultation recognizes and affirms tribal rights of self-government and tribal sovereignty, and mandates state government to work with American Indian nations on a government-to-government basis.
School-Level Communicable Disease Management Plan
School Year 2024-25
School/District/Program Information
District or Education Service District Name and ID: Oregon Trail School District 46
School or Program Name: Cedar Ridge Middle School School
Contact Name and Title: Principal Nicole Johnston
Contact Phone: 503-668-8067 Contact Email:
Table 1.
Policies, protocols, procedures and plans already in place Provide hyperlinks to any documents or other resources currently utilized in your school/district. Consider adding a brief description about how each is used within your school. |
School District Communicable Disease Management Plan |
OTSD Communicable Disease Mgmt Plan
The OTSD Communicable Disease Plan was developed in partnership with Clackamas County Public Health and follows OHA/ODE guidance. District Communicable Diseases policies include: GBEB & GBEB-AR, Staff JHCC & JHCC-AR, Students The Superintendent, District Nurse, and Communications Director collaborate with public health on developing and implementing measures that help limit the spread of communicable disease in our schools, and appropriate messaging to inform parents and staff about exposure risk, outbreaks, and interventions.
Exclusion Measures Exclusion of students and staff who are diagnosed with certain communicable diseases. |
The District follows guidelines from the OHA/ODE Communicable Disease Guidance for Schools document. |
Isolation Space Requires a prevention-oriented health services program including a dedicated space to isolate sick students and to provide services for students with special health care needs. |
The school’s isolation space is located in a designated room in the school’s health space. |
Emergency Plan or Emergency Operations Plan |
The district has a comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan developed in partnership with local law enforcement, emergency management agencies, and Clackamas County Disaster Management. |
Mental Health and Wellbeing Plans such as those prepared for Student Investment Account (optional) |
Identify existing district or school plans and tools that can be utilized in supporting student and staff wellbeing and mental health during prevention, response, and recovery from incidents of a communicable disease outbreak.
Additional documents reference here: |
SECTION 1. Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities |
Identifying roles central to communicable disease management. Clarifying responsibilities related to communicable disease response is a first step in keeping communities healthy and safe. In general, decisions of school health and safety reside with school and district officials. Together with local public health officials, school/district administrators should consult a variety of individuals when making decisions about health and safety in school.
Table 2. Roles and Responsibilities
School planning team members |
Responsibilities: |
Primary Contact (Name/Title): |
Alternative Contact: |
Building Lead / Administrator |
Principal |
Vice Principal |
School Safety Team Representative (or staff member knowledgeable about risks within a school, emergency response, or operations planning) |
Principal |
Vice Principal or District Nurse |
Health Representative (health aid, administrator, school/district nurse, ESD support) |
District Nurse |
District PIO |
School Support Staff as needed (transportation, food service, maintenance/custodial) |
District Nurse |
District PIO |
Communications Lead (staff member responsible for ensuring internal/external messaging is completed) |
Principal |
District PIO |
District Level Leadership Support (staff member in which to consult surrounding a communicable disease event)
Superintendent |
District PIO |
Main Contact within Local Public Health Authority (LPHA) |
Anna Summer, MPH, Dr. PH |
District PIO |
Others as identified by team
Section 2. Equity and Continuity of Education Preparing a plan that centers equity and supports mental health |
Preparing a school to manage a communicable disease case or event requires an inclusive and holistic approach to protect access to in-person learning for all students. In this section suggested resources are offered to help prepare for communicable disease management while centering an equitable and caring response.
Centering Equity |
![]() |
Identify existing district or school plans and tools that can be utilized when centering equity in prevention, response, and recovery from incidents of outbreaks (e.g., district or school equity plans/stances/lenses/decision tools, Equity Committee or Team protocols, district or school systems for including student voice, existing agreements or community engagement or consultation models, Tribal Consultation[1], etc.)
< >Discussion with Superintendent's Leadership Council (parents and community members) Online survey of students in grades 6-12 during Advisory classes Online survey of all parents, translated. Phone survey with parents that have no internet access or need help interpreting survey questionsRound table discussion with Chamber Education Committee members and school Site Council members
Suggested Resources:
Table 3. Centering Educational Equity
OHA/ODE Recommendation(s) |
Response: |
Describe how you will ensure continuity of instruction for students who may miss school due to illness. |
Students impacted will be supported on a case-by-case basis in tandem with the family utilizing school and district resources. |
Describe how you identify those in your school setting that are disproportionately impacted by communicable disease and which students and families may need differentiated or additional support.
Case managers reach out to identified families and determine the need for individualized services. Equity and access remain at the forefront of all conversations.
Describe the process by which the school will implement a differentiated plan for those that are disproportionately impacted, historically underserved or at higher risk of negative impacts or complications related to communicable disease.
We will continue to work with our underserved populations to ensure they understand the breadth and scope of communicable diseases and the resources available to them.
Students impacted will be supported on a case-by-case basis in tandem with the family, utilizing school and district resources. |
Describe what support, training or logistics need to be in place to ensure that the named strategies are understood, implemented, and monitored successfully.
Our Student Support Team model will be used as a way of reviewing and addressing student needs. |
Section 3. Communicable Disease Outbreak Prevention and Response: Implementing mitigation activities, responding to periods of increased transmission, resuming baseline level mitigation, and debriefing actions to improve the process |
Planning for and implementing proactive health and safety mitigation measures assists schools in reducing communicable disease transmission within the school environment for students, staff, and community members. Communicable disease, including norovirus, flu and COVID-19, will continue to circulate in our communities and our schools. Schools will utilize different mitigation measures based on local data, and observation of what is happening in their schools (e.g., transmission within their facilities and communities.) In the following section, teams will document their school’s approach to the CDC, OHA and ODE advised health and safety measures at baseline, during increased transmission.
Suggested Resources:
Table 5. Communicable Disease Mitigation Measures
OHA/ODE Recommendation(s) Layered Health and Safety Measures |
Describe what mitigating measures the school will implement to reduce and respond to the spread of communicable disease and protect in-person instruction? |
Immunizations |
CDC, OHA, and ODE recommend COVID-19 vaccination for all eligible individuals. Please include whether your school will offer COVID-19 vaccine clinics or notices about where to access vaccines in your community. Shots are required by law for children in attendance at public and private schools, preschools, child care facilities, and Head Start programs in Oregon. Nearly every place that provides care for a child outside the home requires shots or a medical or nonmedical exemption to stay enrolled. We will continue to support vaccination clinics for families, students, educators, and the community-at-large, as per Clackamas County Public Health recommendation. Our School Based Health Center will provide vaccinations for students, families, and staff when possible.
Face Coverings |
Face coverings are optional, with the expectation that everyone be respectful of the choices and needs of others.
Isolation |
Individuals with communicable disease symptoms are encouraged to isolate until symptoms subside. |
Symptom Screening |
If a student is feeling ill or showing signs of illness, they will be sent to the office for further screening. |
Airflow and Circulation |
OTSD has implemented mitigation measures to minimize the transmission of air pathogens. These measures follow OSHA guidelines and CDC recommendations.
Cohorting |
During an outbreak, we will avoid large group gatherings as much as possible. If a high percentage of students in a class or group is symptomatic, we may consider recommending isolation. Classroom configurations are set up to maximize space. We may rearrange classrooms to accommodate physical distancing if/when necessary. |
Physical Distancing |
Classroom configurations have returned to pre-Covid set-up. During an outbreak we will encourage physical distancing to the degree possible. |
Hand Washing |
Students and staff will continue to be given ample opportunities to wash and/or sanitize their hands. Hand sanitizing stations are placed throughout the schools. |
Cleaning and Disinfection |
When the building spaces are cleaned each day, common touch points (i.e. door handles, bathroom flush handles, faucet handles, soap and paper towel dispensing handles, etc.) are sanitized by a custodian throughout. |
Training and Public Health Education |
All staff will receive updated training on communicable disease safety measures, annually.
Training exercises are essential to preparedness ensuring individuals understand their role in a communicable disease event. Exercises can also help identify gaps in the planning, thereby building upon and strengthening the plan over time. Schools, districts, and ESDs should schedule to exercise this plan annually and when any revisions are made to update the plan. The plan, or component(s) of the plan, can be tested through conversations, practice exercises, or other activities.
This plan is available for public viewing on the district website.
Date Last Updated: July 2024 Date Last Practiced: August 2023
[1] Tribal Consultation is a separate process from stakeholder engagement; consultation recognizes and affirms tribal rights of self-government and tribal sovereignty, and mandates state government to work with American Indian nations on a government-to-government basis.
School-Level Communicable Disease Management Plan
School Year 2024-25
School/District/Program Information
District or Education Service District Name and ID: Oregon Trail School District 46
School or Program Name: Welches School
Contact Name and Title: Principal Kendra Payne
Contact Phone: 503-622-3165 Contact Email:
Table 1.
Policies, protocols, procedures and plans already in place Provide hyperlinks to any documents or other resources currently utilized in your school/district. Consider adding a brief description about how each is used within your school. |
School District Communicable Disease Management Plan |
OTSD Communicable Disease Mgmt Plan
The OTSD Communicable Disease Plan was developed in partnership with Clackamas County Public Health and follows OHA/ODE guidance. District Communicable Diseases policies include: GBEB & GBEB-AR, Staff JHCC & JHCC-AR, Students The Superintendent, District Nurse, and Communications Director collaborate with public health on developing and implementing measures that help limit the spread of communicable disease in our schools, and appropriate messaging to inform parents and staff about exposure risk, outbreaks, and interventions.
Exclusion Measures Exclusion of students and staff who are diagnosed with certain communicable diseases. |
The District follows guidelines from the OHA/ODE Communicable Disease Guidance for Schools document. |
Isolation Space Requires a prevention-oriented health services program including a dedicated space to isolate sick students and to provide services for students with special health care needs. |
The school’s isolation space is located in a designated room in the school’s health space. |
Emergency Plan or Emergency Operations Plan |
The district has a comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan developed in partnership with local law enforcement, emergency management agencies, and Clackamas County Disaster Management. |
Mental Health and Wellbeing Plans such as those prepared for Student Investment Account (optional) |
Identify existing district or school plans and tools that can be utilized in supporting student and staff wellbeing and mental health during prevention, response, and recovery from incidents of a communicable disease outbreak.
Additional documents reference here: |
SECTION 1. Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities |
Identifying roles central to communicable disease management. Clarifying responsibilities related to communicable disease response is a first step in keeping communities healthy and safe. In general, decisions of school health and safety reside with school and district officials. Together with local public health officials, school/district administrators should consult a variety of individuals when making decisions about health and safety in school.
Table 2. Roles and Responsibilities
School planning team members |
Responsibilities: |
Primary Contact (Name/Title): |
Alternative Contact: |
Building Lead / Administrator |
Principal |
Vice Principal |
School Safety Team Representative (or staff member knowledgeable about risks within a school, emergency response, or operations planning) |
Principal |
Vice Principal or District Nurse |
Health Representative (health aid, administrator, school/district nurse, ESD support) |
District Nurse |
District PIO |
School Support Staff as needed (transportation, food service, maintenance/custodial) |
District Nurse |
District PIO |
Communications Lead (staff member responsible for ensuring internal/external messaging is completed) |
Principal |
District PIO |
District Level Leadership Support (staff member in which to consult surrounding a communicable disease event)
Superintendent |
District PIO |
Main Contact within Local Public Health Authority (LPHA) |
Anna Summer, MPH, Dr. PH |
District PIO |
Others as identified by team
Section 2. Equity and Continuity of Education Preparing a plan that centers equity and supports mental health |
Preparing a school to manage a communicable disease case or event requires an inclusive and holistic approach to protect access to in-person learning for all students. In this section suggested resources are offered to help prepare for communicable disease management while centering an equitable and caring response.
Centering Equity |
![]() |
Identify existing district or school plans and tools that can be utilized when centering equity in prevention, response, and recovery from incidents of outbreaks (e.g., district or school equity plans/stances/lenses/decision tools, Equity Committee or Team protocols, district or school systems for including student voice, existing agreements or community engagement or consultation models, Tribal Consultation[1], etc.)
< >Discussion with Superintendent's Leadership Council (parents and community members) Online survey of students in grades 6-12 during Advisory classes Online survey of all parents, translated. Phone survey with parents that have no internet access or need help interpreting survey questionsRound table discussion with Chamber Education Committee members and school Site Council members
Suggested Resources:
Table 3. Centering Educational Equity
OHA/ODE Recommendation(s) |
Response: |
Describe how you will ensure continuity of instruction for students who may miss school due to illness. |
Students impacted will be supported on a case-by-case basis in tandem with the family utilizing school and district resources. |
Describe how you identify those in your school setting that are disproportionately impacted by communicable disease and which students and families may need differentiated or additional support.
Case managers reach out to identified families and determine the need for individualized services. Equity and access remain at the forefront of all conversations.
Describe the process by which the school will implement a differentiated plan for those that are disproportionately impacted, historically underserved or at higher risk of negative impacts or complications related to communicable disease.
We will continue to work with our underserved populations to ensure they understand the breadth and scope of communicable diseases and the resources available to them.
Students impacted will be supported on a case-by-case basis in tandem with the family, utilizing school and district resources. |
Describe what support, training or logistics need to be in place to ensure that the named strategies are understood, implemented, and monitored successfully.
Our Student Support Team model will be used as a way of reviewing and addressing student needs. |
Section 3. Communicable Disease Outbreak Prevention and Response: Implementing mitigation activities, responding to periods of increased transmission, resuming baseline level mitigation, and debriefing actions to improve the process |
Planning for and implementing proactive health and safety mitigation measures assists schools in reducing communicable disease transmission within the school environment for students, staff, and community members. Communicable disease, including norovirus, flu and COVID-19, will continue to circulate in our communities and our schools. Schools will utilize different mitigation measures based on local data, and observation of what is happening in their schools (e.g., transmission within their facilities and communities.) In the following section, teams will document their school’s approach to the CDC, OHA and ODE advised health and safety measures at baseline, during increased transmission.
Suggested Resources:
Table 5. Communicable Disease Mitigation Measures
OHA/ODE Recommendation(s) Layered Health and Safety Measures |
Describe what mitigating measures the school will implement to reduce and respond to the spread of communicable disease and protect in-person instruction? |
Immunizations |
CDC, OHA, and ODE recommend COVID-19 vaccination for all eligible individuals. Please include whether your school will offer COVID-19 vaccine clinics or notices about where to access vaccines in your community. Shots are required by law for children in attendance at public and private schools, preschools, child care facilities, and Head Start programs in Oregon. Nearly every place that provides care for a child outside the home requires shots or a medical or nonmedical exemption to stay enrolled. We will continue to support vaccination clinics for families, students, educators, and the community-at-large, as per Clackamas County Public Health recommendation. Our School Based Health Center will provide vaccinations for students, families, and staff when possible.
Face Coverings |
Face coverings are optional, with the expectation that everyone be respectful of the choices and needs of others.
Isolation |
Individuals with communicable disease symptoms are encouraged to isolate until symptoms subside. |
Symptom Screening |
If a student is feeling ill or showing signs of illness, they will be sent to the office for further screening. |
Airflow and Circulation |
OTSD has implemented mitigation measures to minimize the transmission of air pathogens. These measures follow OSHA guidelines and CDC recommendations.
Cohorting |
During an outbreak, we will avoid large group gatherings as much as possible. If a high percentage of students in a class or group is symptomatic, we may consider recommending isolation. Classroom configurations are set up to maximize space. We may rearrange classrooms to accommodate physical distancing if/when necessary. |
Physical Distancing |
Classroom configurations have returned to pre-Covid set-up. During an outbreak we will encourage physical distancing to the degree possible. |
Hand Washing |
Students and staff will continue to be given ample opportunities to wash and/or sanitize their hands. Hand sanitizing stations are placed throughout the schools. |
Cleaning and Disinfection |
When the building spaces are cleaned each day, common touch points (i.e. door handles, bathroom flush handles, faucet handles, soap and paper towel dispensing handles, etc.) are sanitized by a custodian throughout. |
Training and Public Health Education |
All staff will receive updated training on communicable disease safety measures, annually.
Training exercises are essential to preparedness ensuring individuals understand their role in a communicable disease event. Exercises can also help identify gaps in the planning, thereby building upon and strengthening the plan over time. Schools, districts, and ESDs should schedule to exercise this plan annually and when any revisions are made to update the plan. The plan, or component(s) of the plan, can be tested through conversations, practice exercises, or other activities.
This plan is available for public viewing on the district website.
Date Last Updated: July 2024 Date Last Practiced: August 2023
[1] Tribal Consultation is a separate process from stakeholder engagement; consultation recognizes and affirms tribal rights of self-government and tribal sovereignty, and mandates state government to work with American Indian nations on a government-to-government basis.
School-Level Communicable Disease Management Plan
School Year 2024-25
School/District/Program Information
District or Education Service District Name and ID: Oregon Trail School District 46
School or Program Name: Firwood Elementary School
Contact Name and Title: Principal Matt Newell
Contact Phone: 503-668-8005 Contact Email:
Table 1.
Policies, protocols, procedures and plans already in place Provide hyperlinks to any documents or other resources currently utilized in your school/district. Consider adding a brief description about how each is used within your school. |
School District Communicable Disease Management Plan |
OTSD Communicable Disease Mgmt Plan
The OTSD Communicable Disease Plan was developed in partnership with Clackamas County Public Health and follows OHA/ODE guidance. District Communicable Diseases policies include: GBEB & GBEB-AR, Staff JHCC & JHCC-AR, Students The Superintendent, District Nurse, and Communications Director collaborate with public health on developing and implementing measures that help limit the spread of communicable disease in our schools, and appropriate messaging to inform parents and staff about exposure risk, outbreaks, and interventions.
Exclusion Measures Exclusion of students and staff who are diagnosed with certain communicable diseases. |
The District follows guidelines from the OHA/ODE Communicable Disease Guidance for Schools document. |
Isolation Space Requires a prevention-oriented health services program including a dedicated space to isolate sick students and to provide services for students with special health care needs. |
The school’s isolation space is located in a designated room in the school’s health space. |
Emergency Plan or Emergency Operations Plan |
The district has a comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan developed in partnership with local law enforcement, emergency management agencies, and Clackamas County Disaster Management. |
Mental Health and Wellbeing Plans such as those prepared for Student Investment Account (optional) |
Identify existing district or school plans and tools that can be utilized in supporting student and staff wellbeing and mental health during prevention, response, and recovery from incidents of a communicable disease outbreak.
Additional documents reference here: |
SECTION 1. Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities |
Identifying roles central to communicable disease management. Clarifying responsibilities related to communicable disease response is a first step in keeping communities healthy and safe. In general, decisions of school health and safety reside with school and district officials. Together with local public health officials, school/district administrators should consult a variety of individuals when making decisions about health and safety in school.
Table 2. Roles and Responsibilities
School planning team members |
Responsibilities: |
Primary Contact (Name/Title): |
Alternative Contact: |
Building Lead / Administrator |
Principal |
Vice Principal |
School Safety Team Representative (or staff member knowledgeable about risks within a school, emergency response, or operations planning) |
Principal |
Vice Principal or District Nurse |
Health Representative (health aid, administrator, school/district nurse, ESD support) |
District Nurse |
District PIO |
School Support Staff as needed (transportation, food service, maintenance/custodial) |
District Nurse |
District PIO |
Communications Lead (staff member responsible for ensuring internal/external messaging is completed) |
Principal |
District PIO |
District Level Leadership Support (staff member in which to consult surrounding a communicable disease event)
Superintendent |
District PIO |
Main Contact within Local Public Health Authority (LPHA) |
Anna Summer, MPH, Dr. PH |
District PIO |
Others as identified by team
Section 2. Equity and Continuity of Education Preparing a plan that centers equity and supports mental health |
Preparing a school to manage a communicable disease case or event requires an inclusive and holistic approach to protect access to in-person learning for all students. In this section suggested resources are offered to help prepare for communicable disease management while centering an equitable and caring response.
Centering Equity |
![]() |
Identify existing district or school plans and tools that can be utilized when centering equity in prevention, response, and recovery from incidents of outbreaks (e.g., district or school equity plans/stances/lenses/decision tools, Equity Committee or Team protocols, district or school systems for including student voice, existing agreements or community engagement or consultation models, Tribal Consultation[1], etc.)
< >Discussion with Superintendent's Leadership Council (parents and community members) Online survey of students in grades 6-12 during Advisory classes Online survey of all parents, translated. Phone survey with parents that have no internet access or need help interpreting survey questionsRound table discussion with Chamber Education Committee members and school Site Council members
Suggested Resources:
Table 3. Centering Educational Equity
OHA/ODE Recommendation(s) |
Response: |
Describe how you will ensure continuity of instruction for students who may miss school due to illness. |
Students impacted will be supported on a case-by-case basis in tandem with the family utilizing school and district resources. |
Describe how you identify those in your school setting that are disproportionately impacted by communicable disease and which students and families may need differentiated or additional support.
Case managers reach out to identified families and determine the need for individualized services. Equity and access remain at the forefront of all conversations.
Describe the process by which the school will implement a differentiated plan for those that are disproportionately impacted, historically underserved or at higher risk of negative impacts or complications related to communicable disease.
We will continue to work with our underserved populations to ensure they understand the breadth and scope of communicable diseases and the resources available to them.
Students impacted will be supported on a case-by-case basis in tandem with the family, utilizing school and district resources. |
Describe what support, training or logistics need to be in place to ensure that the named strategies are understood, implemented, and monitored successfully.
Our Student Support Team model will be used as a way of reviewing and addressing student needs. |
Section 3. Communicable Disease Outbreak Prevention and Response: Implementing mitigation activities, responding to periods of increased transmission, resuming baseline level mitigation, and debriefing actions to improve the process |
Planning for and implementing proactive health and safety mitigation measures assists schools in reducing communicable disease transmission within the school environment for students, staff, and community members. Communicable disease, including norovirus, flu and COVID-19, will continue to circulate in our communities and our schools. Schools will utilize different mitigation measures based on local data, and observation of what is happening in their schools (e.g., transmission within their facilities and communities.) In the following section, teams will document their school’s approach to the CDC, OHA and ODE advised health and safety measures at baseline, during increased transmission.
Suggested Resources:
Table 5. Communicable Disease Mitigation Measures
OHA/ODE Recommendation(s) Layered Health and Safety Measures |
Describe what mitigating measures the school will implement to reduce and respond to the spread of communicable disease and protect in-person instruction? |
Immunizations |
CDC, OHA, and ODE recommend COVID-19 vaccination for all eligible individuals. Please include whether your school will offer COVID-19 vaccine clinics or notices about where to access vaccines in your community. Shots are required by law for children in attendance at public and private schools, preschools, child care facilities, and Head Start programs in Oregon. Nearly every place that provides care for a child outside the home requires shots or a medical or nonmedical exemption to stay enrolled. We will continue to support vaccination clinics for families, students, educators, and the community-at-large, as per Clackamas County Public Health recommendation. Our School Based Health Center will provide vaccinations for students, families, and staff when possible.
Face Coverings |
Face coverings are optional, with the expectation that everyone be respectful of the choices and needs of others.
Isolation |
Individuals with communicable disease symptoms are encouraged to isolate until symptoms subside. |
Symptom Screening |
If a student is feeling ill or showing signs of illness, they will be sent to the office for further screening. |
Airflow and Circulation |
OTSD has implemented mitigation measures to minimize the transmission of air pathogens. These measures follow OSHA guidelines and CDC recommendations.
Cohorting |
During an outbreak, we will avoid large group gatherings as much as possible. If a high percentage of students in a class or group is symptomatic, we may consider recommending isolation. Classroom configurations are set up to maximize space. We may rearrange classrooms to accommodate physical distancing if/when necessary. |
Physical Distancing |
Classroom configurations have returned to pre-Covid set-up. During an outbreak we will encourage physical distancing to the degree possible. |
Hand Washing |
Students and staff will continue to be given ample opportunities to wash and/or sanitize their hands. Hand sanitizing stations are placed throughout the schools. |
Cleaning and Disinfection |
When the building spaces are cleaned each day, common touch points (i.e. door handles, bathroom flush handles, faucet handles, soap and paper towel dispensing handles, etc.) are sanitized by a custodian throughout. |
Training and Public Health Education |
All staff will receive updated training on communicable disease safety measures, annually.
Training exercises are essential to preparedness ensuring individuals understand their role in a communicable disease event. Exercises can also help identify gaps in the planning, thereby building upon and strengthening the plan over time. Schools, districts, and ESDs should schedule to exercise this plan annually and when any revisions are made to update the plan. The plan, or component(s) of the plan, can be tested through conversations, practice exercises, or other activities.
This plan is available for public viewing on the district website.
Date Last Updated: July 2024 Date Last Practiced: August 2023
[1] Tribal Consultation is a separate process from stakeholder engagement; consultation recognizes and affirms tribal rights of self-government and tribal sovereignty, and mandates state government to work with American Indian nations on a government-to-government basis.
School-Level Communicable Disease Management Plan
School Year 2024-25
School/District/Program Information
District or Education Service District Name and ID: Oregon Trail School District 46
School or Program Name: Kelso Elementary School
Contact Name and Title: Principal Julie Savage
Contact Phone: 503-668-8020 Contact Email:
Table 1.
Policies, protocols, procedures and plans already in place Provide hyperlinks to any documents or other resources currently utilized in your school/district. Consider adding a brief description about how each is used within your school. |
School District Communicable Disease Management Plan |
OTSD Communicable Disease Mgmt Plan
The OTSD Communicable Disease Plan was developed in partnership with Clackamas County Public Health and follows OHA/ODE guidance. District Communicable Diseases policies include: GBEB & GBEB-AR, Staff JHCC & JHCC-AR, Students The Superintendent, District Nurse, and Communications Director collaborate with public health on developing and implementing measures that help limit the spread of communicable disease in our schools, and appropriate messaging to inform parents and staff about exposure risk, outbreaks, and interventions.
Exclusion Measures Exclusion of students and staff who are diagnosed with certain communicable diseases. |
The District follows guidelines from the OHA/ODE Communicable Disease Guidance for Schools document. |
Isolation Space Requires a prevention-oriented health services program including a dedicated space to isolate sick students and to provide services for students with special health care needs. |
The school’s isolation space is located in a designated room in the school’s health space. |
Emergency Plan or Emergency Operations Plan |
The district has a comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan developed in partnership with local law enforcement, emergency management agencies, and Clackamas County Disaster Management. |
Mental Health and Wellbeing Plans such as those prepared for Student Investment Account (optional) |
Identify existing district or school plans and tools that can be utilized in supporting student and staff wellbeing and mental health during prevention, response, and recovery from incidents of a communicable disease outbreak.
Additional documents reference here: |
SECTION 1. Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities |
Identifying roles central to communicable disease management. Clarifying responsibilities related to communicable disease response is a first step in keeping communities healthy and safe. In general, decisions of school health and safety reside with school and district officials. Together with local public health officials, school/district administrators should consult a variety of individuals when making decisions about health and safety in school.
Table 2. Roles and Responsibilities
School planning team members |
Responsibilities: |
Primary Contact (Name/Title): |
Alternative Contact: |
Building Lead / Administrator |
Principal |
Vice Principal |
School Safety Team Representative (or staff member knowledgeable about risks within a school, emergency response, or operations planning) |
Principal |
Vice Principal or District Nurse |
Health Representative (health aid, administrator, school/district nurse, ESD support) |
District Nurse |
District PIO |
School Support Staff as needed (transportation, food service, maintenance/custodial) |
District Nurse |
District PIO |
Communications Lead (staff member responsible for ensuring internal/external messaging is completed) |
Principal |
District PIO |
District Level Leadership Support (staff member in which to consult surrounding a communicable disease event)
Superintendent |
District PIO |
Main Contact within Local Public Health Authority (LPHA) |
Anna Summer, MPH, Dr. PH |
District PIO |
Others as identified by team
Section 2. Equity and Continuity of Education Preparing a plan that centers equity and supports mental health |
Preparing a school to manage a communicable disease case or event requires an inclusive and holistic approach to protect access to in-person learning for all students. In this section suggested resources are offered to help prepare for communicable disease management while centering an equitable and caring response.
Centering Equity |
![]() |
Identify existing district or school plans and tools that can be utilized when centering equity in prevention, response, and recovery from incidents of outbreaks (e.g., district or school equity plans/stances/lenses/decision tools, Equity Committee or Team protocols, district or school systems for including student voice, existing agreements or community engagement or consultation models, Tribal Consultation[1], etc.)
< >Discussion with Superintendent's Leadership Council (parents and community members) Online survey of students in grades 6-12 during Advisory classes Online survey of all parents, translated. Phone survey with parents that have no internet access or need help interpreting survey questionsRound table discussion with Chamber Education Committee members and school Site Council members
Suggested Resources:
Table 3. Centering Educational Equity
OHA/ODE Recommendation(s) |
Response: |
Describe how you will ensure continuity of instruction for students who may miss school due to illness. |
Students impacted will be supported on a case-by-case basis in tandem with the family utilizing school and district resources. |
Describe how you identify those in your school setting that are disproportionately impacted by communicable disease and which students and families may need differentiated or additional support.
Case managers reach out to identified families and determine the need for individualized services. Equity and access remain at the forefront of all conversations.
Describe the process by which the school will implement a differentiated plan for those that are disproportionately impacted, historically underserved or at higher risk of negative impacts or complications related to communicable disease.
We will continue to work with our underserved populations to ensure they understand the breadth and scope of communicable diseases and the resources available to them.
Students impacted will be supported on a case-by-case basis in tandem with the family, utilizing school and district resources. |
Describe what support, training or logistics need to be in place to ensure that the named strategies are understood, implemented, and monitored successfully.
Our Student Support Team model will be used as a way of reviewing and addressing student needs. |
Section 3. Communicable Disease Outbreak Prevention and Response: Implementing mitigation activities, responding to periods of increased transmission, resuming baseline level mitigation, and debriefing actions to improve the process |
Planning for and implementing proactive health and safety mitigation measures assists schools in reducing communicable disease transmission within the school environment for students, staff, and community members. Communicable disease, including norovirus, flu and COVID-19, will continue to circulate in our communities and our schools. Schools will utilize different mitigation measures based on local data, and observation of what is happening in their schools (e.g., transmission within their facilities and communities.) In the following section, teams will document their school’s approach to the CDC, OHA and ODE advised health and safety measures at baseline, during increased transmission.
Suggested Resources:
Table 5. Communicable Disease Mitigation Measures
OHA/ODE Recommendation(s) Layered Health and Safety Measures |
Describe what mitigating measures the school will implement to reduce and respond to the spread of communicable disease and protect in-person instruction? |
Immunizations |
CDC, OHA, and ODE recommend COVID-19 vaccination for all eligible individuals. Please include whether your school will offer COVID-19 vaccine clinics or notices about where to access vaccines in your community. Shots are required by law for children in attendance at public and private schools, preschools, child care facilities, and Head Start programs in Oregon. Nearly every place that provides care for a child outside the home requires shots or a medical or nonmedical exemption to stay enrolled. We will continue to support vaccination clinics for families, students, educators, and the community-at-large, as per Clackamas County Public Health recommendation. Our School Based Health Center will provide vaccinations for students, families, and staff when possible.
Face Coverings |
Face coverings are optional, with the expectation that everyone be respectful of the choices and needs of others.
Isolation |
Individuals with communicable disease symptoms are encouraged to isolate until symptoms subside. |
Symptom Screening |
If a student is feeling ill or showing signs of illness, they will be sent to the office for further screening. |
Airflow and Circulation |
OTSD has implemented mitigation measures to minimize the transmission of air pathogens. These measures follow OSHA guidelines and CDC recommendations.
Cohorting |
During an outbreak, we will avoid large group gatherings as much as possible. If a high percentage of students in a class or group is symptomatic, we may consider recommending isolation. Classroom configurations are set up to maximize space. We may rearrange classrooms to accommodate physical distancing if/when necessary. |
Physical Distancing |
Classroom configurations have returned to pre-Covid set-up. During an outbreak we will encourage physical distancing to the degree possible. |
Hand Washing |
Students and staff will continue to be given ample opportunities to wash and/or sanitize their hands. Hand sanitizing stations are placed throughout the schools. |
Cleaning and Disinfection |
When the building spaces are cleaned each day, common touch points (i.e. door handles, bathroom flush handles, faucet handles, soap and paper towel dispensing handles, etc.) are sanitized by a custodian throughout. |
Training and Public Health Education |
All staff will receive updated training on communicable disease safety measures, annually.
Training exercises are essential to preparedness ensuring individuals understand their role in a communicable disease event. Exercises can also help identify gaps in the planning, thereby building upon and strengthening the plan over time. Schools, districts, and ESDs should schedule to exercise this plan annually and when any revisions are made to update the plan. The plan, or component(s) of the plan, can be tested through conversations, practice exercises, or other activities.
This plan is available for public viewing on the district website.
Date Last Updated: July 2024 Date Last Practiced: August 2023
[1] Tribal Consultation is a separate process from stakeholder engagement; consultation recognizes and affirms tribal rights of self-government and tribal sovereignty, and mandates state government to work with American Indian nations on a government-to-government basis.
School-Level Communicable Disease Management Plan
School Year 2024-25
School/District/Program Information
District or Education Service District Name and ID: Oregon Trail School District 46
School or Program Name: Naas Elementary School
Contact Name and Title: Principal Rachel Weeks
Contact Phone: 503-668-4454 Contact Email:
Table 1.
Policies, protocols, procedures and plans already in place Provide hyperlinks to any documents or other resources currently utilized in your school/district. Consider adding a brief description about how each is used within your school. |
School District Communicable Disease Management Plan |
OTSD Communicable Disease Mgmt Plan
The OTSD Communicable Disease Plan was developed in partnership with Clackamas County Public Health and follows OHA/ODE guidance. District Communicable Diseases policies include: GBEB & GBEB-AR, Staff JHCC & JHCC-AR, Students The Superintendent, District Nurse, and Communications Director collaborate with public health on developing and implementing measures that help limit the spread of communicable disease in our schools, and appropriate messaging to inform parents and staff about exposure risk, outbreaks, and interventions.
Exclusion Measures Exclusion of students and staff who are diagnosed with certain communicable diseases. |
The District follows guidelines from the OHA/ODE Communicable Disease Guidance for Schools document. |
Isolation Space Requires a prevention-oriented health services program including a dedicated space to isolate sick students and to provide services for students with special health care needs. |
The school’s isolation space is located in a designated room in the school’s health space. |
Emergency Plan or Emergency Operations Plan |
The district has a comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan developed in partnership with local law enforcement, emergency management agencies, and Clackamas County Disaster Management. |
Mental Health and Wellbeing Plans such as those prepared for Student Investment Account (optional) |
Identify existing district or school plans and tools that can be utilized in supporting student and staff wellbeing and mental health during prevention, response, and recovery from incidents of a communicable disease outbreak.
Additional documents reference here: |
SECTION 1. Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities |
Identifying roles central to communicable disease management. Clarifying responsibilities related to communicable disease response is a first step in keeping communities healthy and safe. In general, decisions of school health and safety reside with school and district officials. Together with local public health officials, school/district administrators should consult a variety of individuals when making decisions about health and safety in school.
Table 2. Roles and Responsibilities
School planning team members |
Responsibilities: |
Primary Contact (Name/Title): |
Alternative Contact: |
Building Lead / Administrator |
Principal |
Vice Principal |
School Safety Team Representative (or staff member knowledgeable about risks within a school, emergency response, or operations planning) |
Principal |
Vice Principal or District Nurse |
Health Representative (health aid, administrator, school/district nurse, ESD support) |
District Nurse |
District PIO |
School Support Staff as needed (transportation, food service, maintenance/custodial) |
District Nurse |
District PIO |
Communications Lead (staff member responsible for ensuring internal/external messaging is completed) |
Principal |
District PIO |
District Level Leadership Support (staff member in which to consult surrounding a communicable disease event)
Superintendent |
District PIO |
Main Contact within Local Public Health Authority (LPHA) |
Anna Summer, MPH, Dr. PH |
District PIO |
Others as identified by team
Section 2. Equity and Continuity of Education Preparing a plan that centers equity and supports mental health |
Preparing a school to manage a communicable disease case or event requires an inclusive and holistic approach to protect access to in-person learning for all students. In this section suggested resources are offered to help prepare for communicable disease management while centering an equitable and caring response.
Centering Equity |
![]() |
Identify existing district or school plans and tools that can be utilized when centering equity in prevention, response, and recovery from incidents of outbreaks (e.g., district or school equity plans/stances/lenses/decision tools, Equity Committee or Team protocols, district or school systems for including student voice, existing agreements or community engagement or consultation models, Tribal Consultation[1], etc.)
< >Discussion with Superintendent's Leadership Council (parents and community members) Online survey of students in grades 6-12 during Advisory classes Online survey of all parents, translated. Phone survey with parents that have no internet access or need help interpreting survey questionsRound table discussion with Chamber Education Committee members and school Site Council members
Suggested Resources:
Table 3. Centering Educational Equity
OHA/ODE Recommendation(s) |
Response: |
Describe how you will ensure continuity of instruction for students who may miss school due to illness. |
Students impacted will be supported on a case-by-case basis in tandem with the family utilizing school and district resources. |
Describe how you identify those in your school setting that are disproportionately impacted by communicable disease and which students and families may need differentiated or additional support.
Case managers reach out to identified families and determine the need for individualized services. Equity and access remain at the forefront of all conversations.
Describe the process by which the school will implement a differentiated plan for those that are disproportionately impacted, historically underserved or at higher risk of negative impacts or complications related to communicable disease.
We will continue to work with our underserved populations to ensure they understand the breadth and scope of communicable diseases and the resources available to them.
Students impacted will be supported on a case-by-case basis in tandem with the family, utilizing school and district resources. |
Describe what support, training or logistics need to be in place to ensure that the named strategies are understood, implemented, and monitored successfully.
Our Student Support Team model will be used as a way of reviewing and addressing student needs. |
Section 3. Communicable Disease Outbreak Prevention and Response: Implementing mitigation activities, responding to periods of increased transmission, resuming baseline level mitigation, and debriefing actions to improve the process |
Planning for and implementing proactive health and safety mitigation measures assists schools in reducing communicable disease transmission within the school environment for students, staff, and community members. Communicable disease, including norovirus, flu and COVID-19, will continue to circulate in our communities and our schools. Schools will utilize different mitigation measures based on local data, and observation of what is happening in their schools (e.g., transmission within their facilities and communities.) In the following section, teams will document their school’s approach to the CDC, OHA and ODE advised health and safety measures at baseline, during increased transmission.
Suggested Resources:
Table 5. Communicable Disease Mitigation Measures
OHA/ODE Recommendation(s) Layered Health and Safety Measures |
Describe what mitigating measures the school will implement to reduce and respond to the spread of communicable disease and protect in-person instruction? |
Immunizations |
CDC, OHA, and ODE recommend COVID-19 vaccination for all eligible individuals. Please include whether your school will offer COVID-19 vaccine clinics or notices about where to access vaccines in your community. Shots are required by law for children in attendance at public and private schools, preschools, child care facilities, and Head Start programs in Oregon. Nearly every place that provides care for a child outside the home requires shots or a medical or nonmedical exemption to stay enrolled. We will continue to support vaccination clinics for families, students, educators, and the community-at-large, as per Clackamas County Public Health recommendation. Our School Based Health Center will provide vaccinations for students, families, and staff when possible.
Face Coverings |
Face coverings are optional, with the expectation that everyone be respectful of the choices and needs of others.
Isolation |
Individuals with communicable disease symptoms are encouraged to isolate until symptoms subside. |
Symptom Screening |
If a student is feeling ill or showing signs of illness, they will be sent to the office for further screening. |
Airflow and Circulation |
OTSD has implemented mitigation measures to minimize the transmission of air pathogens. These measures follow OSHA guidelines and CDC recommendations.
Cohorting |
During an outbreak, we will avoid large group gatherings as much as possible. If a high percentage of students in a class or group is symptomatic, we may consider recommending isolation. Classroom configurations are set up to maximize space. We may rearrange classrooms to accommodate physical distancing if/when necessary. |
Physical Distancing |
Classroom configurations have returned to pre-Covid set-up. During an outbreak we will encourage physical distancing to the degree possible. |
Hand Washing |
Students and staff will continue to be given ample opportunities to wash and/or sanitize their hands. Hand sanitizing stations are placed throughout the schools. |
Cleaning and Disinfection |
When the building spaces are cleaned each day, common touch points (i.e. door handles, bathroom flush handles, faucet handles, soap and paper towel dispensing handles, etc.) are sanitized by a custodian throughout. |
Training and Public Health Education |
All staff will receive updated training on communicable disease safety measures, annually.
Training exercises are essential to preparedness ensuring individuals understand their role in a communicable disease event. Exercises can also help identify gaps in the planning, thereby building upon and strengthening the plan over time. Schools, districts, and ESDs should schedule to exercise this plan annually and when any revisions are made to update the plan. The plan, or component(s) of the plan, can be tested through conversations, practice exercises, or other activities.
This plan is available for public viewing on the district website.
Date Last Updated: July 2024 Date Last Practiced: August 2023
[1] Tribal Consultation is a separate process from stakeholder engagement; consultation recognizes and affirms tribal rights of self-government and tribal sovereignty, and mandates state government to work with American Indian nations on a government-to-government basis.
School-Level Communicable Disease Management Plan
School Year 2024-25
School/District/Program Information
District or Education Service District Name and ID: Oregon Trail School District 46
School or Program Name: Oregon Trail Academy
Contact Name and Title: Director Emily Hafer
Contact Phone: 503-668-5512 Contact Email:
Table 1.
Policies, protocols, procedures and plans already in place Provide hyperlinks to any documents or other resources currently utilized in your school/district. Consider adding a brief description about how each is used within your school. |
School District Communicable Disease Management Plan |
OTSD Communicable Disease Mgmt Plan
The OTSD Communicable Disease Plan was developed in partnership with Clackamas County Public Health and follows OHA/ODE guidance. District Communicable Diseases policies include: GBEB & GBEB-AR, Staff JHCC & JHCC-AR, Students The Superintendent, District Nurse, and Communications Director collaborate with public health on developing and implementing measures that help limit the spread of communicable disease in our schools, and appropriate messaging to inform parents and staff about exposure risk, outbreaks, and interventions.
Exclusion Measures Exclusion of students and staff who are diagnosed with certain communicable diseases. |
The District follows guidelines from the OHA/ODE Communicable Disease Guidance for Schools document. |
Isolation Space Requires a prevention-oriented health services program including a dedicated space to isolate sick students and to provide services for students with special health care needs. |
The school’s isolation space is located in a designated room in the school’s health space. |
Emergency Plan or Emergency Operations Plan |
The district has a comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan developed in partnership with local law enforcement, emergency management agencies, and Clackamas County Disaster Management. |
Mental Health and Wellbeing Plans such as those prepared for Student Investment Account (optional) |
Identify existing district or school plans and tools that can be utilized in supporting student and staff wellbeing and mental health during prevention, response, and recovery from incidents of a communicable disease outbreak.
Additional documents reference here: |
SECTION 1. Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities |
Identifying roles central to communicable disease management. Clarifying responsibilities related to communicable disease response is a first step in keeping communities healthy and safe. In general, decisions of school health and safety reside with school and district officials. Together with local public health officials, school/district administrators should consult a variety of individuals when making decisions about health and safety in school.
Table 2. Roles and Responsibilities
School planning team members |
Responsibilities: |
Primary Contact (Name/Title): |
Alternative Contact: |
Building Lead / Administrator |
Principal |
Vice Principal |
School Safety Team Representative (or staff member knowledgeable about risks within a school, emergency response, or operations planning) |
Principal |
Vice Principal or District Nurse |
Health Representative (health aid, administrator, school/district nurse, ESD support) |
District Nurse |
District PIO |
School Support Staff as needed (transportation, food service, maintenance/custodial) |
District Nurse |
District PIO |
Communications Lead (staff member responsible for ensuring internal/external messaging is completed) |
Principal |
District PIO |
District Level Leadership Support (staff member in which to consult surrounding a communicable disease event)
Superintendent |
District PIO |
Main Contact within Local Public Health Authority (LPHA) |
Anna Summer, MPH, Dr. PH |
District PIO |
Others as identified by team
Section 2. Equity and Continuity of Education Preparing a plan that centers equity and supports mental health |
Preparing a school to manage a communicable disease case or event requires an inclusive and holistic approach to protect access to in-person learning for all students. In this section suggested resources are offered to help prepare for communicable disease management while centering an equitable and caring response.
Centering Equity |
![]() |
Identify existing district or school plans and tools that can be utilized when centering equity in prevention, response, and recovery from incidents of outbreaks (e.g., district or school equity plans/stances/lenses/decision tools, Equity Committee or Team protocols, district or school systems for including student voice, existing agreements or community engagement or consultation models, Tribal Consultation[1], etc.)
< >Discussion with Superintendent's Leadership Council (parents and community members) Online survey of students in grades 6-12 during Advisory classes Online survey of all parents, translated. Phone survey with parents that have no internet access or need help interpreting survey questionsRound table discussion with Chamber Education Committee members and school Site Council members
Suggested Resources:
Table 3. Centering Educational Equity
OHA/ODE Recommendation(s) |
Response: |
Describe how you will ensure continuity of instruction for students who may miss school due to illness. |
Students impacted will be supported on a case-by-case basis in tandem with the family utilizing school and district resources. |
Describe how you identify those in your school setting that are disproportionately impacted by communicable disease and which students and families may need differentiated or additional support.
Case managers reach out to identified families and determine the need for individualized services. Equity and access remain at the forefront of all conversations.
Describe the process by which the school will implement a differentiated plan for those that are disproportionately impacted, historically underserved or at higher risk of negative impacts or complications related to communicable disease.
We will continue to work with our underserved populations to ensure they understand the breadth and scope of communicable diseases and the resources available to them.
Students impacted will be supported on a case-by-case basis in tandem with the family, utilizing school and district resources. |
Describe what support, training or logistics need to be in place to ensure that the named strategies are understood, implemented, and monitored successfully.
Our Student Support Team model will be used as a way of reviewing and addressing student needs. |
Section 3. Communicable Disease Outbreak Prevention and Response: Implementing mitigation activities, responding to periods of increased transmission, resuming baseline level mitigation, and debriefing actions to improve the process |
Planning for and implementing proactive health and safety mitigation measures assists schools in reducing communicable disease transmission within the school environment for students, staff, and community members. Communicable disease, including norovirus, flu and COVID-19, will continue to circulate in our communities and our schools. Schools will utilize different mitigation measures based on local data, and observation of what is happening in their schools (e.g., transmission within their facilities and communities.) In the following section, teams will document their school’s approach to the CDC, OHA and ODE advised health and safety measures at baseline, during increased transmission.
Suggested Resources:
Table 5. Communicable Disease Mitigation Measures
OHA/ODE Recommendation(s) Layered Health and Safety Measures |
Describe what mitigating measures the school will implement to reduce and respond to the spread of communicable disease and protect in-person instruction? |
Immunizations |
CDC, OHA, and ODE recommend COVID-19 vaccination for all eligible individuals. Please include whether your school will offer COVID-19 vaccine clinics or notices about where to access vaccines in your community. Shots are required by law for children in attendance at public and private schools, preschools, child care facilities, and Head Start programs in Oregon. Nearly every place that provides care for a child outside the home requires shots or a medical or nonmedical exemption to stay enrolled. We will continue to support vaccination clinics for families, students, educators, and the community-at-large, as per Clackamas County Public Health recommendation. Our School Based Health Center will provide vaccinations for students, families, and staff when possible.
Face Coverings |
Face coverings are optional, with the expectation that everyone be respectful of the choices and needs of others.
Isolation |
Individuals with communicable disease symptoms are encouraged to isolate until symptoms subside. |
Symptom Screening |
If a student is feeling ill or showing signs of illness, they will be sent to the office for further screening. |
Airflow and Circulation |
OTSD has implemented mitigation measures to minimize the transmission of air pathogens. These measures follow OSHA guidelines and CDC recommendations.
Cohorting |
During an outbreak, we will avoid large group gatherings as much as possible. If a high percentage of students in a class or group is symptomatic, we may consider recommending isolation. Classroom configurations are set up to maximize space. We may rearrange classrooms to accommodate physical distancing if/when necessary. |
Physical Distancing |
Classroom configurations have returned to pre-Covid set-up. During an outbreak we will encourage physical distancing to the degree possible. |
Hand Washing |
Students and staff will continue to be given ample opportunities to wash and/or sanitize their hands. Hand sanitizing stations are placed throughout the schools. |
Cleaning and Disinfection |
When the building spaces are cleaned each day, common touch points (i.e. door handles, bathroom flush handles, faucet handles, soap and paper towel dispensing handles, etc.) are sanitized by a custodian throughout. |
Training and Public Health Education |
All staff will receive updated training on communicable disease safety measures, annually.
Training exercises are essential to preparedness ensuring individuals understand their role in a communicable disease event. Exercises can also help identify gaps in the planning, thereby building upon and strengthening the plan over time. Schools, districts, and ESDs should schedule to exercise this plan annually and when any revisions are made to update the plan. The plan, or component(s) of the plan, can be tested through conversations, practice exercises, or other activities.
This plan is available for public viewing on the district website.
Date Last Updated: July 2024 Date Last Practiced: August 2023
[1] Tribal Consultation is a separate process from stakeholder engagement; consultation recognizes and affirms tribal rights of self-government and tribal sovereignty, and mandates state government to work with American Indian nations on a government-to-government basis.
School-Level Communicable Disease Management Plan
School Year 2024-25
School/District/Program Information
District or Education Service District Name and ID: Oregon Trail School District 46
School or Program Name: Sandy Grade School
Contact Name and Title: Principal Cassiday Hopkins
Contact Phone: 503-668-8065 Contact Email:
Table 1.
Policies, protocols, procedures and plans already in place Provide hyperlinks to any documents or other resources currently utilized in your school/district. Consider adding a brief description about how each is used within your school. |
School District Communicable Disease Management Plan |
OTSD Communicable Disease Mgmt Plan
The OTSD Communicable Disease Plan was developed in partnership with Clackamas County Public Health and follows OHA/ODE guidance. District Communicable Diseases policies include: GBEB & GBEB-AR, Staff JHCC & JHCC-AR, Students The Superintendent, District Nurse, and Communications Director collaborate with public health on developing and implementing measures that help limit the spread of communicable disease in our schools, and appropriate messaging to inform parents and staff about exposure risk, outbreaks, and interventions.
Exclusion Measures Exclusion of students and staff who are diagnosed with certain communicable diseases. |
The District follows guidelines from the OHA/ODE Communicable Disease Guidance for Schools document. |
Isolation Space Requires a prevention-oriented health services program including a dedicated space to isolate sick students and to provide services for students with special health care needs. |
The school’s isolation space is located in a designated room in the school’s health space. |
Emergency Plan or Emergency Operations Plan |
The district has a comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan developed in partnership with local law enforcement, emergency management agencies, and Clackamas County Disaster Management. |
Mental Health and Wellbeing Plans such as those prepared for Student Investment Account (optional) |
Identify existing district or school plans and tools that can be utilized in supporting student and staff wellbeing and mental health during prevention, response, and recovery from incidents of a communicable disease outbreak.
Additional documents reference here: |
SECTION 1. Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities |
Identifying roles central to communicable disease management. Clarifying responsibilities related to communicable disease response is a first step in keeping communities healthy and safe. In general, decisions of school health and safety reside with school and district officials. Together with local public health officials, school/district administrators should consult a variety of individuals when making decisions about health and safety in school.
Table 2. Roles and Responsibilities
School planning team members |
Responsibilities: |
Primary Contact (Name/Title): |
Alternative Contact: |
Building Lead / Administrator |
Principal |
Vice Principal |
School Safety Team Representative (or staff member knowledgeable about risks within a school, emergency response, or operations planning) |
Principal |
Vice Principal or District Nurse |
Health Representative (health aid, administrator, school/district nurse, ESD support) |
District Nurse |
District PIO |
School Support Staff as needed (transportation, food service, maintenance/custodial) |
District Nurse |
District PIO |
Communications Lead (staff member responsible for ensuring internal/external messaging is completed) |
Principal |
District PIO |
District Level Leadership Support (staff member in which to consult surrounding a communicable disease event)
Superintendent |
District PIO |
Main Contact within Local Public Health Authority (LPHA) |
Anna Summer, MPH, Dr. PH |
District PIO |
Others as identified by team
Section 2. Equity and Continuity of Education Preparing a plan that centers equity and supports mental health |
Preparing a school to manage a communicable disease case or event requires an inclusive and holistic approach to protect access to in-person learning for all students. In this section suggested resources are offered to help prepare for communicable disease management while centering an equitable and caring response.
Centering Equity |
![]() |
Identify existing district or school plans and tools that can be utilized when centering equity in prevention, response, and recovery from incidents of outbreaks (e.g., district or school equity plans/stances/lenses/decision tools, Equity Committee or Team protocols, district or school systems for including student voice, existing agreements or community engagement or consultation models, Tribal Consultation[1], etc.)
< >Discussion with Superintendent's Leadership Council (parents and community members) Online survey of students in grades 6-12 during Advisory classes Online survey of all parents, translated. Phone survey with parents that have no internet access or need help interpreting survey questionsRound table discussion with Chamber Education Committee members and school Site Council members
Suggested Resources:
Table 3. Centering Educational Equity
OHA/ODE Recommendation(s) |
Response: |
Describe how you will ensure continuity of instruction for students who may miss school due to illness. |
Students impacted will be supported on a case-by-case basis in tandem with the family utilizing school and district resources. |
Describe how you identify those in your school setting that are disproportionately impacted by communicable disease and which students and families may need differentiated or additional support.
Case managers reach out to identified families and determine the need for individualized services. Equity and access remain at the forefront of all conversations.
Describe the process by which the school will implement a differentiated plan for those that are disproportionately impacted, historically underserved or at higher risk of negative impacts or complications related to communicable disease.
We will continue to work with our underserved populations to ensure they understand the breadth and scope of communicable diseases and the resources available to them.
Students impacted will be supported on a case-by-case basis in tandem with the family, utilizing school and district resources. |
Describe what support, training or logistics need to be in place to ensure that the named strategies are understood, implemented, and monitored successfully.
Our Student Support Team model will be used as a way of reviewing and addressing student needs. |
Section 3. Communicable Disease Outbreak Prevention and Response: Implementing mitigation activities, responding to periods of increased transmission, resuming baseline level mitigation, and debriefing actions to improve the process |
Planning for and implementing proactive health and safety mitigation measures assists schools in reducing communicable disease transmission within the school environment for students, staff, and community members. Communicable disease, including norovirus, flu and COVID-19, will continue to circulate in our communities and our schools. Schools will utilize different mitigation measures based on local data, and observation of what is happening in their schools (e.g., transmission within their facilities and communities.) In the following section, teams will document their school’s approach to the CDC, OHA and ODE advised health and safety measures at baseline, during increased transmission.
Suggested Resources:
Table 5. Communicable Disease Mitigation Measures
OHA/ODE Recommendation(s) Layered Health and Safety Measures |
Describe what mitigating measures the school will implement to reduce and respond to the spread of communicable disease and protect in-person instruction? |
Immunizations |
CDC, OHA, and ODE recommend COVID-19 vaccination for all eligible individuals. Please include whether your school will offer COVID-19 vaccine clinics or notices about where to access vaccines in your community. Shots are required by law for children in attendance at public and private schools, preschools, child care facilities, and Head Start programs in Oregon. Nearly every place that provides care for a child outside the home requires shots or a medical or nonmedical exemption to stay enrolled. We will continue to support vaccination clinics for families, students, educators, and the community-at-large, as per Clackamas County Public Health recommendation. Our School Based Health Center will provide vaccinations for students, families, and staff when possible.
Face Coverings |
Face coverings are optional, with the expectation that everyone be respectful of the choices and needs of others.
Isolation |
Individuals with communicable disease symptoms are encouraged to isolate until symptoms subside. |
Symptom Screening |
If a student is feeling ill or showing signs of illness, they will be sent to the office for further screening. |
Airflow and Circulation |
OTSD has implemented mitigation measures to minimize the transmission of air pathogens. These measures follow OSHA guidelines and CDC recommendations.
Cohorting |
During an outbreak, we will avoid large group gatherings as much as possible. If a high percentage of students in a class or group is symptomatic, we may consider recommending isolation. Classroom configurations are set up to maximize space. We may rearrange classrooms to accommodate physical distancing if/when necessary. |
Physical Distancing |
Classroom configurations have returned to pre-Covid set-up. During an outbreak we will encourage physical distancing to the degree possible. |
Hand Washing |
Students and staff will continue to be given ample opportunities to wash and/or sanitize their hands. Hand sanitizing stations are placed throughout the schools. |
Cleaning and Disinfection |
When the building spaces are cleaned each day, common touch points (i.e. door handles, bathroom flush handles, faucet handles, soap and paper towel dispensing handles, etc.) are sanitized by a custodian throughout. |
Training and Public Health Education |
All staff will receive updated training on communicable disease safety measures, annually.
Training exercises are essential to preparedness ensuring individuals understand their role in a communicable disease event. Exercises can also help identify gaps in the planning, thereby building upon and strengthening the plan over time. Schools, districts, and ESDs should schedule to exercise this plan annually and when any revisions are made to update the plan. The plan, or component(s) of the plan, can be tested through conversations, practice exercises, or other activities.
This plan is available for public viewing on the district website.
Date Last Updated: July 2024 Date Last Practiced: August 2023
[1] Tribal Consultation is a separate process from stakeholder engagement; consultation recognizes and affirms tribal rights of self-government and tribal sovereignty, and mandates state government to work with American Indian nations on a government-to-government basis.