Welcome to the Teaching & Learning Department
The Teaching and Learning Department is responsible for curriculum development, instructional improvement, instructional staff development, district improvement plans, curriculum adoption, student assessment, and implementation of federal/state mandates. The department also oversees all Federal and State-funded grants/programs.
Call the Teaching and Learning Office at 503-668-5541
Plans & Reports
Integrated Initiatives
The Oregon Dept of Education (ODE) has combined six initiatives that share common goals, overlapping processes, and similar reporting requirements. This effort is often referred to as the Integrated Guidance Initiatives. The intent of the Integrated Initiatives is to streamline grant application processes and align strategies in order to provide better outcomes for students.
ODE has specifically bundled these six funding mechanisms:
* High School Success (HSS): Systems to improve graduation rates and college/career readiness.
* Student Investment Account (SIA): To meet students' mental health/behavioral needs and increase academic achievement/reduce disparities for student focal groups.
* Continuous Improvement Planning (CIP): A process involving educator collaboration, data analysis, professional learning and reflection - toward improved outcomes for students, especially students experiencing disparity.
* Career and Technical Education - Perkins V (CTE): Improving access and participation in education and training programs that prepare learners for high-wage, high-skill, in-demand careers.
* Early Indicator and Intervention System (EIIS): The development of a data collection and analysis system, in which educators collaborate, to identify supports for students.
* Every Day Matters (EDM): Embedded across the five other programs, focusing attention on student engagement, school culture, climate/safety and culturally sustaining pedagogy.