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Career Technical Education (CTE)

A Focus on CTE

The Oregon Trail School District’s mission is to provide students access to rigorous, robust and reliable educational experiences that will prepare them for a successful future. This includes identifying and developing Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs of study that align with high wage jobs and industry needs.

Sandy High is a statewide leader among comprehensive high schools in offering CTE courses, with 8 different Programs of Study, while students who completed a CTE program graduated at a rate of 99%.

Cedar Ridge Middle School and Boring Middle School offer electives that articulate with Sandy High's CTE Programs of Study, including Food Science, Veterinary Science, Environmental Science, Intro to First Aid, Sports Management and Engineering & Design - Drones & Robotics.

Sandy High School scores high marks in employer expectations for Machining and Welding & Fabrication

A Sandy High School student wearing a welding mask uses a torch to practice a weld during class.In a Regional Needs Assessment performed as part of a pilot program by the South Metro-Salem STEM Partnership, Sandy High School (SHS) saw strong alignment between the school’s Machining and Welding & Fabrication programs and employer expectations.

“When we built the new Sandy High School, we promised that our students would have the opportunity to pursue rigorous and robust Career & Technical Education opportunities to prepare them to enter the job force as a highly desired candidate,” Oregon Trail School District (OTSD) Superintendent Aaron Bayer said. “This assessment highlights how we have delivered on that promise.”

SHS’s Machining program aligned with 88 percent of employer expectations, while the Welding & Fabricating program aligned with 79 percent of expectations, both the highest in the county for schools that were surveyed.